

Where Christ is the Center..

Worship should help you sense gods nearness and let you express yourself to him. That’s why, as we worship together our services are life-oriented and centered on Jesus Christ. Often you will hear testimonies from people who are experiencing the reality of God’s goodness and his special guidance in their lives. Worship is not just a spectacular activity in our church- it’s something we all do together.

A Church Built on Friendships..

We encourage the kind of concern for one another that lead to friendships you can count on in times of stress and need. We offer you joy-filled personal relationships that make life a celebration. We invite you to enjoy deep, caring fellowship with others who are set in discovering God’s best for their lives too.

A Place to Develop your Potential..

We believe that God’s great love provides wonderful possibilities for us to know him, and grow in faith that gives life meaning, purpose, and power. We show people how Christ can set them free from past guilt and negative, and controlling habits. Through him we find emotional holiness, answers for life’s toughest questions, guidance for difficult decisions, and hope for the future. We help each other become the best we can be by participating our faith actively and by living a holy life through God’s power.

A Place Committed to helping others..

Because God loved the world, he gave his best by giving himself. Faith in Jesus Christ motivates us to imitate that type of love. He is the source of a compassion in our hearts for hurting people. He is motivation for being involved in all different kinds of people-helping projects, whether one-on-one in our neighborhood, through group efforts in our community, or world wide missionary outreach. We want to be people who practice what we preach, working to make life better for everyone in every way we possible can.

A Church That Teaches The Bible..

We are unashamed to admit with no reservations that gods word, the bible, has the only adequate answers for problems in our homes, community, and world. The bible is the final authority for our faith and actions. We teach its truth and wisdom in classes and study groups. Our pastors messages are based on it, and will help you see how God desires to be actively involved in every area of your life.